4.He went fore to see whether the sail was properly in place.
5.I tried to keep my place in the queue, but they crowded me out.
我竭力站在队中, 可他们把我挤了出来。
6.He bears a grudge against me because I took his place in the office.
7.At the same time, Hewlett Packard, put in place the swingeing cuts in costs.
8.Even grafting new blood vessels in place of the diseased coronary arteries has been tried.
9.Zambia's Samel Matitle won first place in the 400 meter hurdle, with an achievement of 48.22 seconds.
10.Special zones for developing high and new advanced technology have been opened up in places where conditions permit.
11.Property: It belongs to semidrying oil with relatively higher iodine value, in place of soybean oil.
12.The presence of immotile sperm or sperm shaking in place and not demonstrating forward motion is suggestive of immunologically related infertility.
13.Public transient noncom-munity water systems provide water in places where people do not remain for long peri-ods, such as campgrounds and service stations.
14.With a basic mechanism in place to internalise the costs of carbon, we can always ratchet up the targets as reality sets in.
15.Principle of teacher priority emphasizes that in the devisal of school system and mechanism, the factor of teachers shall be placed on the top.
16.In cities of North Africa and the Middle East, the moucharaby is an oriel that uses grills or lattices in place of glass and shutters.
17.Butterine and oleomargarine, which must be labelled as such, if of good quality, are nutritious, inexpensive fats to be used in place of creamery butter.
18.Therefore the electrode can be used for welding of pipe, stainless and fine parts.Thereby it has been adopted in place of Thoriated Tungsten electrode on many aspects.
19.Of the kinds of words we have enumerated it may be observed that compounds are most in place in the dithyramb, strange words in heroic, and metaphors in iambic poetry.
20.Nowadays, slop roof consists of steel column and beam or steel truss and purling, and connected with existed building by concrete beam cast in place, is being used commonly in this project.